I had the pleasure of getting to know Darrah through the program “Owning Your Religious Past” which she skillfully facilitated. Skill was required in both guiding the conversation and helping to elicit deeper reflection on the material being presented. She established the ground rules for discussion in collaboration with the participants which ensured that our needs were communicated and boundaries established.
Cohesion is an important foundation for the success of a group. Our group developed nicely in this regard under Darrah’s leadership. The program and our group conversations helped me to gain important insights and also helped me feel more connected to the other participants (including Darrah). Darrah organized a social opportunity for us to meet for lunch at the end of the program, which was lovely.
I have worked with Darrah Bryans as part of social action planning events, reproductive justice events and during Sunday services. She is thoughtful, engaged, dedicated and creative. She has been very helpful in all different aspects of planning and addressing problems as they arise. She is also organized, flexible and dependable – all things that are absolutely invaluable! She is a pleasure to work with.
I find Darrah to be a delight. Her sermons are thought provoking and enjoyable. She is friendly and personable whenever I’ve spoken with her.
Darrah always brings her true self to every encounter. By that I mean she does not try to appear more confident than she is or condescend to others. She is a very caring and intelligent person who observes other people with an understanding of their underlying issues. She brings a wealth of experience from her past relationships with her congregation in Sharon and her friends and associates. Her contributions to our deliberations on the Worship Committee are insightful and often bring us out of the “weeds” and back to the important issues under consideration.
Darrah’s contribution to RE programming over the past year has been tremendous, particularly given the sudden departure of our DLRE. Especially noteworthy is her oversight of the senior youth group’s incredible service trip at St. John’s. Darrah stepped up to organize all major components of the trip. She worked with the youth to brainstorm funding opportunities, and hosted a weekend soup making evening at her home in advance of Soup Sunday. She developed a list of food and materials needed for the trip, and coordinated volunteers to procure them. She managed travel and logistics for the trip, communication with parents and youth, and accompanied the group for part of the journey in St. John’s.
The trip would not have happened without Darrah’s enthusiastic engagement and superb organizational skills.
What a great Sunday it was. Several times I dropped a tear or four or five into my mask. The music was wonderful and your sermon was moving , soulful and masterful. I loved the way you wove all those metaphors into such a powerful sermon. I am a big fan of metaphors, perhaps that’s why I love poetry so much. Thank you for bringing inspiration into my Sunday. I will carry it with me
You hit the ball out of the park today. Your sermon was informative, passionate, interesting, and inspiring.
Thank you.
I had a wonderful visit with Kate Barton last week. She is still mourning the loss of her mother and is facing her grief fully. Yet, one part of our conversation is one to pass to you.
Kate was extremely grateful for your presence and leadership. She said that your calm nature and mature presence made all the difference amid a difficult time and challenging family life. She could not say enough good things about your ministry with her family.
I am extremely grateful for your willingness to be with Kate and her family and for your ministry. Thank you for your gifts.
I wish you well as your ministry unfolds,
Thank you so much for your guidance on Rev. Catie’s gift. I think the stole is beautiful and hope that she will wear it often.
You did a fabulous job of organizing and orchestrating the celebration. I’m delighted that, thanks to your leadership, we were able to honor Rev. Catie’s service in such a beautiful way. You are the best!