
Tending to our spiritual lives

Human beings are more than bodies and brains. We have a deep need for connecting to something larger than ourselves whether that is a Divine Presence or a purpose that calls to our best selves. Loving, nurturing, and supporting this side of our humanity is an important part of my ministry.

Spiritual Growth

As church attendance and adherence to “organized religion” declines, the number of people who identify as spiritual but not religious is on the rise. I believe that what people are seeking is this connection to something beyond themselves. Spiritual growth and spiritual practices ask us to discern what for us is true, where do we find meaning, what calls to our heart. It is a gift to walk with people on this spiritual path, to receive their sacred stories, and to encourage them in their growth. I do not come with easy answers for people; there is no five-step method for surefire spiritual growth. What I can offer are a safe space, presence, curiosity, perspective, and resources.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is one of the most poignant and beautiful ministries. Congregational life spans the whole range of living from birth to death with all of the milestones, celebrations, and challenges in between. My ministry seeks to meet us where we are, to hold tenderly our cracked and broken places, to offer care and spiritual balm for these wounds.

I bear witness to losses, sharing grief and heartache knowing that grieving in community makes these losses more bearable. And I celebrate our joys, the births, graduations, relationships, marriages, and promotions, knowing that sharing our good news amplifies and spreads joy and love.

Pastoral care is tender and beautiful work, and I am deeply grateful for the privilege of companioning people in their most challenging and joyous times and for receiving their sacred stories.